
Wednesday 31 October 2012


Children’s ministry
This is the essence of our mission at Jesus is Lord Ministries. Under this program we assist orphans and vulnerable children and we have 50 registered child children under our care and offer them much emotional needed care. So many of our children have suffered a trauma of losing their parents due to HIV/AIDS or living in extreme poverty and we seek  to alleviate by providing a safe ,loving our children are free to be kids again.
Most orphaned children with family ties are supported by their relative’s places. JILM provides education support, medical attention, school uniforms and scholastic materials to these children. Without it, these less-privileged children would have no access to education and medical care.

The Women ministry is initiative by Jesus is Lord Ministries which is made up of HIV-positive widows, grandmothers, and guardians.
in social and economic terms, HIV/AIDS epidemic hits women hardest.
When AIDS cases in women first started getting attention, some studies found that women were not living as long as men were, after being diagnosed. It soon became clear that the epidemic was striking women harder than men, or because women were less responsive to treatment. Rather the reason for shorter survival terms was thought to be socio-economic. Women with AIDS were more likely to be poor, with less access and thus less likely to get prompt medical attention. They were also less likely to get a definitive diagnosis of HIV disease.
The vulnerability of the rural poor women increases; it’s women who shoulder the burden of caring for the sick and the dying.

Caring diverts their energies from economic production that would provide income. Causing food insecurity, decline in nutrition, lack of money to buy medicine thus health decline. Mostly in Uganda women living with HIV/AIDS than men head households. They cannot meet all the basic needs of the families such as Medical care, food, clothing, paying school fees and other welfare.
The death of a husband often leaves women without access to sufficient resources to provide for their families.  Many times, these women are HIV-positive themselves and may lack access to basic healthcare at the same time that their health needs prevent them from providing adequate care to their children.
This ministry is under a Christian organization but works with all people regardless of their faith or religious affiliation
Your support will make a world of difference for these women and their children.  Please consider a donation to the women project.  Each donation of $120 will provide enough start-up capital for one woman to support her family with an income-generating small business. 

The project is aimed at equipping women with lifetime skills through training in various aspects, including art and crafts and setting up a business. Jesus is Lord Ministries has 32 registered widows who are in critical need of your help.
“So create awareness and take action”, support widows to strengthen their capacity building through implementation.
“Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the 
fatherless, plead for the widows” Isaiah 1:17

Jesus is Lord Ministries is reaching out to the lost and hopeless in the prisons of Uganda (East Africa). The prisoners are in very poor conditions with no medical care and little food. Evangelist Ivan and Evangelist David are bringing the life transforming message of Jesus Christ to these men and women, along with regular visits by our team; we provide also physical help such as food and other help. Their goal is to see these prisoners become workers in the Kingdom of God and good citizens.
Jesus is Lord Ministries reaches 36 prisons total, and have a full time team that go out to the prisons. We see many prisoners get saved every month, We also see God moving with a mighty hand with miraculous healings and deliverance from demons. Many others have been touched by the ministry and are now outside prison and doing well! Some prisons are completely saved (all have answered our altar calls)! We want to continue to reach out to these poor prisoners in the terrible, dangerous prisons in Uganda with life saving medical help and the life changing truth of the GOSPEL! Jesus came to seek and to save the lost!

Jesus is Lord ministries goes  out to preaching the gospel in primary schools, High schools and in vocational institutions as well, During school periods, we organize a group of dedicated preachers who go out in schools and in this ministry, Many young men and women have surrendered  their lives to Jesus. We do not just leave these children after ministering to them, we do the follow ups and supply them with Bibles, Bible trucks and encourage them in the Lord.
We do the following too:
-   Plan schools HIV/AIDS programmers.
-       Education and communication activities like music dance and aimed at HIV/AIDS prevention programmes.
-       Training school students to go out as volunteers for HIV/AIDS.
-       Showing films related to HIV/AIDS prevention in order to strengthen awareness in schools.
-Health education session (HIV/AIDS awareness, S.T.D

We need your prayers and support since this ministry involves too much movements and we cannot do it without your support.

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